Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Car Ride Conversations

A car ride... The best place for a good conversation. Why? Because the person you are riding with has no choice but to listen. And, since you are probably driving, they won't be able to cause you any bodily harm if they don't like what you have to say. This is the joy in a car ride conversation.

But the person I'm talking to in my car rides cannot talk back, and never will in this lifetime. He (we do not know for sure yet if it's a boy, but that's our guess) does not know what I'm saying, but I know that he knows the love I am conveying to him.

I have decided to talk to my little precious one when I'm in the car alone. We had our first conversation yesterday. He initiated the conversation when we were driving down 68 towards Georgetown going up the hill right after Stony Hollow Rd. He was kicking me over and over again with all his might! It was like Colt standing in front of me crying, reaching his arms up at me, opening and closing his little fists saying, "Pay attention to me! Pay attention to me!!" So I gave LittleMcGinnis2 my attention. :)

He had been kicking me all day and I finally decided to talk to him, like I had done so many times with Colt. But this time was a little different. Instead of me telling him to quit kicking me so much (like I had always said to Colt). This time, I wanted him to know that I loved him, and I appreciated him kicking hard enough to let me know he was there, and he didn't have to stop unless he was tired and wanted to rest. I wanted him to know how much I loved feeling the "signs of life" inside of me all day! What a huge blessing! Yesterday was kick-mania, and I loved every second of it! If only I could learn 'in-utero Morse code' I would be set. But that's not going to happen, so I just make up what his kicks mean to me. :)

For anyone with any information on 'in-utero Morse code' please contact me immediately! :)

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