Well, we have been to the doctor twice since my last post and I have a lot to report! :)
On Friday my sister Kelly and I went down to Good Sam for a normal, routine checkup (you know, you get measured, they listen to the heartbeat & they send you on your way). As most of you know, my sister Katie, bought me a 'build-a-bear' and one of those recordable devices to go inside the hand for this baby's hearbeat. Well, while we were listening to the heartbeat over the doppler, Kelly and I had our phones out and the recordable device to get three different shots of a great sounding heartbeat for me to have forever. Well, we got it! It is the neatest thing! It's so strong and loud and proud sounding! :) I can't wait to take my bear back to the store to get it stuffed and get it a cute little outfit! :)
Then today, I had an ultrasound, my normal, 20 week appointment that everyone gets. I had been so excited all day to finally see this baby again! :) Early in the morning when Colt and I have the opportunity to cuddle a little before I have to be anywhere, I'll sit him on my lap facing the TV. It is the coolest thing because this baby goes CRAZY! I love to feel them interact with eachother. (I know they may not ACTUALLY be interacting with eachother, but let a girl have her dreams, lol) It is really neat for me to feel like the baby is kicking Colt from the inside out. :) They are brothers after all :)
So, we went to the appointment and the girls in there today were SO nice! They let us watch for a very long time. They knew that we knew about the anencephaly, so they weren't witholding information like last time. They answered all our questions the best they could and told us everything they were measuring. This was unlike last time because Jarrod and I were not aware of the condition. When that's the case the ultrasound tech is not allowed to tell you what she saw until the actual doctor confirms it. I was afraid that would be the case today, but thankfully it wasn't.
She began by measuring all the normal things, the abdomen, the arms and legs, things like that. Then she started taking pictures. And taking pictures... And taking more pictures. I have more than twenty pictures of this little guy... Only from today! :) It really was wonderful! She got us some profile shots, some face on shots, the arms and legs. and of course, the gender! I told her that we weren't sure if it was a boy or not. We THOUGHT we had seen boy parts the last time, but we just weren't sure. She began looking for "it" and FOUND IT (yes, I'm implying that it's a boy!!), then once she found it, he wouldn't put it away!! Just like his older brother! Good to know they are alike! :) She treated us just like everything was normal. She laughed with us,she wasn't tip-toeing around her words, she wasn't watching out for our feelings, she was just being real and honest. I am so thankful to her for that and the whole way she handled the appointment!
She took the first picture at 2:56 and took the last one at 3:17. And that wasn't even from the first time she put the thing on my belly. She let us watch him move and dance for well over 30 minutes. I didn't want it to end!
We were able, while we were there, to confirm the anencephaly diagnosis, and they did tell us that it is on the severe end of the spectrum. I was curious as to that because I think that it might effect the chances of a live birth. But, I'm still hoping and praying that it would be in the Lord's will to make that happen.
Well, I think I'm going to be done for tonight. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I'm struggling for my words. And those of you that know me, know that THAT. IS. RARE! ;)
Thank you, as always, for all your love and support to us during this time!